Abstract:The question of how best to identify and provide for gifted students has a long and contentious history internationally. In contrast to other countries where there are specialist programmes and in some cases specialist teachers for gifted pupils, Scotland has chosen to adopt an inclusive approach to provision for these students and has created a legislative and curricular framework that in theory provides a strong structure for meeting their educational and developmental needs. While there are significant benefits to this approach, care must be taken to ensure that within the space between intention and practice the needs of these learners have been explicitly identified, considered and met. Each year the Scottish Government conducts a census to collect data from all publically funded schools in Scotland. In accordance with Scottish legislation as part of this process it gathers data pertaining to pupils identified as requiring additional support for their learning, including highly able pupils. However there are anomalies within this data, for example, there are unusual and unexplained discrepancies between the proportions of pupils identified as being highly able in different geographical contexts. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine the potential causes for these anomalies and to assess the implications for the identification of, and provision for, highly able pupils in Scotland. Thirteen structured telephone interviews were conducted with Local Education Authority personnel across Scotland. These interviews aimed to get behind the statistics and examine how highly able pupils are identified, and provided for, in practice. Several interesting issues emerged from the interviews that may begin to help to explain the anomalies and to help us better understand everyday practice. The results, while encouraging, suggest that there is a need for teachers, educational psychologists, schools and authorities to ensure that the needs of this group of learners are explicitly considered.
Keywords: Scottish Schools Census Data, gifted, education, inclusionPogled onkraj statistike: razlogi za razhajanje med zakonodajo, politiko in prakso v zadovoljevanju potreb visoko sposobnih škotskih učencev Niamh Stack in Margaret Sutherland School of Psychology, University of Glasgow, UK Povzetek: Razprava o tem, kako najbolje prepoznavati nadarjene učence ter z njimi delati, ima v mednarodnem prostoru dolgo in bogato zgodovino. V nasprotju z državami, v katerih izvajajo posebne programe in imajo tudi posebne učitelje za nadarjene učence, se je Škotska odločila za inkluzivni pristop do obravnave nadarjenih učencev; razvila je zakonski in kurikularni okvir, ki izhaja iz teoretskih spoznanj o izobraževalnih in razvojnih potrebah visoko sposobnih učencev. Kljub splošnim prednostim tega pristopa pa je treba pozornost nameniti temu, da so potrebe teh učencev dejansko prepoznane, obravnavane in uresničene. Škotska vlada zato vsako leto zbere podatke javnih šol. Ti podatki se v skladu z škotsko zakonodajo nanaša...