The structure of the cardiac foramen ovale from eight genera of pinnipeds was studied using the scanning electron microscope. Specimens were obtained from fetuses or neonates of the Californian sea lion (Zalophus californianus), Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), walrus (Obenus rosmurus), grey seal (Halichoerus gryphus), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli), and crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus). In each species, the structure that permits oxygenated blood from the placenta flowing in the caudal vena cava to pass directly into the left side of the heart, the foramen ovale, when viewed from the terminal part of the caudal vena cava had the appearance of the entrance to a short tunnel. A thin fold of tissue, the developed remains of the septum primum, projected from the caudal edge of the foramen ovale into the lumen of the left atrium. It constituted about 75% of the inner surface of the tunnel, and was generally unfenestrated. The wall of the interatrial septum contributed the "floor." The distal end of the tunnel was straight-edged. In most cases the septum primum was long enough to cover the foramen ovale. The siting of pulmonary veins in the roof of the left atrium appeared to be such that drainage from them after birth would press the septum primum over the foramen opening, thereby functionally closing it. Collapses of the tunnel was seen in all the neonatal seals, and in the 1-month-old neonate the fold of tissue was anchored to the interatrial septum along the surface of the crista dividens, which lay in the left atrium. Cellular protrusions and thread formation may play a role in the closure of the foramen ovale.RCsumC : La structure du foramen ovale a Ct C CtudiCe au microscope Clectronique h balayage chez huit genres de pinnipkdes. Les organes not Ct C prClevCs chez des fCtus ou des nouveau-nCs de l'Otarie de Californie (Zalophus californianus), de I'Otarie de Kerguelen (Arctocephalus gazella), du Morse (Odobenus rosmurus), du Phoque gris (Halichoerus gryphus), du Phoque annelC (Phoca hispida), du Phoque barbu (Erignathus barbatus), du Phoque de Weddell (Leptonychotes weddelli) et du Phoque crabier (Lobodon carcinophagus). Vu de la partie terminale de la veine cave postdrieure, le foramen ovale, structure qui permet au sang oxygCnC provenant du placenta par la veine cave de passer directement dans la partie gauche du coeur, a l'apparence de I'entrCe d'un tunnel court chez chacune des espkces. Un mince repli de tissu, vestige du septum primaire, est issu de la bordure caudale du trou et se prolonge jusque dans la lumittre de l'oreillette gauche. Ce repli constitue environ 75% de la surface interne du tunnel et ne comporte gCnCralement pas de pores; la paroi du septum interatrial constitue le N plancher ,,. Le bord distal du "tunnel" est droit. Dans la plupart des cas, le septum primaire est suffisamment long pour couvrir le foramen ovale. La position des veines pulmonaires dans le plafond de l'oreillette gauche permet de suppo...