TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Abstract The development of the cell spar Platform for the Kerr-McGee Red Hawk Field in the Gulf of Mexico represents the first application of this deepwater concept. The Red Hawk cell spar Platform was installed in about 5300 feet of water at Garden Banks Block 876 in early 2004 and achieved full production within 15 days of start-up.This paper describes the design of the integrated spar hull and topside, with particular emphasis on the hull and related hull systems, due to their novelty. It provides a general description of the hull structure as well as the various hull and marine systems, riser support systems, and main structural appurtenances, including strakes.The operation of the ballast system using compressed air is compared to a conventional ballast pump design. The inspection philosophy for the ballast tanks is described along with regulatory issues related to the ballast system. The operation of the mooring line winch and the handling of the chain at the top of the spar is also described. Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) performance, the upending of the spar, and initial impressions of the spar motion by field personnel are also discussed.Red Hawk is the first application of the cell spar hull form. Building on several years of development, this new technology offers a more cost-effective solution than previous spar designs for small topsides payloads and low riser counts. The engineering of the cell spar demanded solutions to several challenging new problems. These solutions are now ready for implementation on future projects.