“…which has been extensively studied in the literature (see, e.g., [Zah84, Kli85, Dem87, BD88, Gua98, Her00, B lo00, B lo05] among others) after the seminal work of Lempert [Lem81]; whose solution is easily proved to be unique, now known as the pluricomplex Green function, sharing many properties with the classical Green function and having profound applications, notably when it appears as the weight function in the Hörmander's L 2 theory of the ∂-operator (see [DO95, Che99, Her99, BP00, CZ02, B lo05, CF11, B lo13, Che14, Che17], etc). The study of equation (1.5) was initiated in [BP05,BPT09] and continued very recently in [HW20,BST21]. It turns out that the function P Ω ( • , p) constructed as above shares many properties with the classical Poisson kernel (see [BP05,BPT09]) and has already found applications to the theory of holomorphic semigroups (see [BCD10] and also the survey [Bra10]) and others.…”