We studied the debris flow relief of the Malaya Paipudyna basin, the Polar Ural Mountains. Based on the analysis of remote sensing data and field surveys, we established that 14 debris flow basins are located on the territory. We found traces of five slushflow occurrence in the streams in the spring of 2021. Typical landforms for different morphodynamic zones of debris flow basins were identified. The initiation zones of debris flows are mainly represented by catchment funnels on the slopes of the Bolshoi and Maliy PaIpudynskii ranges. The transit zones V-shaped bottom incisions alternate with box- and trough-shaped transverse profile. Within the debris flow fans, two generations of accumulative debris flow relief are clearly distinguished. Young accumulation zones are represented by pebble-boulder ridges up to 0.5 m high, localized directly in the near-channel areas of debris flow fans. Usually, they are either devoid of soil and vegetation cover, or are overgrown only by herbs. Ancient debris flow fans are triangular in shaped with convex transverse profile, consisting of a system of ridges and hollows, and overgrown with shrubs. The area of young accumulation zones for each debris flow basin is no more than 0.03 km2, the area of ancient accumulation zones is 0.4 km2. Debris flow fans are superimposed on the bottom of the trough valley of Malaya Paipudyna, which is mainly the surface of glacial accumulation. Probably, the formation of these fans began after the degradation of the last extensive glaciation of the territory. We calculated the morphometric features of the debris flow basins.