The generation of intense beams of polarized electrons is of considerable interest at the present time. Two significant advances have recently been made in this field, namely, the ejection of polarized photoelectrons from a polarized atomic beam, 1 ' 2 and Mott scattering of electrons from the screened Coulomb charges of beams of mercury and gold atoms in the keV energy range, 3 ' 4 based on the theory of Mohr, 5 Bunyan, 6 and others. 7 We wish to point out here that a perhaps even more powerful method for the production of intense beams of polarized electrons is a direct consequence of the recent discovery by Simpson and his co-workers 8 of a doublet structure in the resonance for elastic scattering of electrons by neon atoms at 16 eV (0o6 eV below the first excitation level), based on earlier work by Schulz, 9 Simpson, 10 and others, 11 and interpreted by Fano. 12 The questions raised by these experiments are also of more general interest in connection with the nature of autoionizing atomic energy states. 13 " 15 The resonance observed by Simpson 8 in the 4 Some of the observed strong lines can be associated with Ar I transitions. If we attempt to make such assignments , we find that the multiplet companions of the lines tentatively attributed to Ar I are conspicuously absent. 5 J. B. H. Stedeford and J. B. Hasted, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A227, 466 (1955). 6 We find that at 400 eV the optical cross sections are about 0.1, 2.5, 1.5, and 0.3 times the total chargeexchange cross sections for He on Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, respectively. Our suggestion, of course, requires that these ratios be unity or less. The uncertainties in the absolute values of both the optical and charge-exchange cross sections are so large that we can assume that the true values of all of the apparent optical cross sections are less than or at most are equal to the total charge-exchange cross section. 7 H. S. W. Massey, Rept. Progr. Phys. L2, 248 (1949).In making this estimate we have neglected the change in velocity at impact, and we have assumed that the energy levels approach each other at the rate of 10 eV/A (see reference 3). 9 H. G. Utterback and H. P. Broida, Phys. Rev. Letters 15., 608 (1965). total cross section for the scattering of electrons from neon consists of a small decrease in cross section, followed by two successive peaks, of which the first is approximately twice as pronounced at the second. The two peaks are separated by 0.095 eV, corresponding close ly to the P l/2 -Pz/2 fine-structure splitting in the ground state of Ne + . In view of these facts, the resonances have been interpreted by Simpson and Fano 12 as corresponding to the formation of metastable compound states with the configuration (ls 2 2s 2 2/> 5 3s 2 )P 1/2>3/2 , that is, states of the Ne"" ion formed by adding a 3s electron to the lowest excited state of neon. There is little doubt that this interpretation is correct in view of the energy location, separation, and relative statistical weights of the two states. Under these circumstances, interference betwe...