The steps in poliovirus infection leading to viral entry and uncoating are not well understood. Current evidence suggests that the virus first binds to a plasma membrane-bound receptor present in viable cells, leading to a conformational rearrangement of the viral proteins such that the virus crosses the membrane and releases the genomic RNA. The studies described in this report were undertaken to determine if poliovirus (160S) as well as one of the subviral particles (135S) could interact with membranes lacking poliovirus receptors in an effort to begin to understand the process of uncoating of the virus. We report that both forms of viral particles, 160S and 135S, interact with lipid membranes and induce the formation of ion-permeable channels in a manner that does not require acid pH. The channels induced by the viral particles 160S have a voltage-dependent conductance which depends on the ionic composition of the medium. Our findings raise the possibility that viral entry into cells may be mediated by direct interaction of viral surface proteins with membrane lipids.Poliovirus is a prototypical member of the Picornaviridae family. The plus-stranded RNA genome of this nonenveloped virus is tightly packed within an icosahedrally symmetric spherical shell which is composed of 60 copies of each of four proteins (VP1 to VP4). The myristoylated VP4 and the aminoterminal sequences of the other three capsid proteins are located on the inner surface of the poliovirus virion (8).Infection of cells by poliovirus starts as the virus particle attaches to the receptor at the cell membrane (2, 6). Receptor binding leads to a conformational transition that results in altered particles which lack VP4 and sediment with a coefficient of 135S (compared to 16 0S for the intact virion) (3a, 6, 9). This alteration in sedimentation behavior is further accompanied by the relocation and exposure of most of the aminoterminal regions of VP1 from the inner to the outer surface of the virion shell. Exposure of the amino-terminal regions of VP1 confers membrane binding properties to the 135S particles, which has been observed by Fricks and Hogle (5), using a liposome flotation method. However, the subsequent stages of penetration and uncoating remain poorly defined.For viral replication to take place, the viral RNA must traverse the plasma membrane and be uncoated and released to the cytosol. Several hypotheses have been put forth to explain viral entry and uncoating, ranging from receptor-mediated endocytosis of the whole virion, to direct penetration of the plasma membrane by the 160S particle (hereafter referred to as simply 160S), to entry of the subviral particle 135S by either of those mechanisms (references 1 and 13 and references therein). Binding and anchoring of the viral particle to a membrane are required steps in any of these hypotheses.In this report, we present evidence that domains of the native virion (160S) and the receptor-altered viral particle (135S) bind and interact with lipid bilayers to form ion-permeable channels...