Book reviewed in this article:
Harrison, Barbara and Jupp, David Introduction To Remotely Sensed Data
D Gillieson and D.I. Smith, (eds) Resource Management In Limestone Landscapes: International Perspectives: Special Publication No. 2, Geography and Oceanography
Russell, J.A. Valuing Cultural Landscapes in the USA, Britain, and Australia: A Review of the Literature and Comment on the Development of Theory and Conservation Practices
M.T. Daly and M.I. Logan The Brittle Rim: Finance, Business and the Pacific Region
Gordon A. Carmichael With This Ring. First Marriage Patterns, Trends and Prospects in Australia
J.M. Powell An Historical Geography of Modem Australia: The Restive Fringe
David S.G. Thomas (ed.) Arid Zone Geomorphology
Gelbert, Michel Chena (Shifting) Cultivation and Land Transformation in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka Department of Geography
J. Wolfe ‘Thai Community Government Mob’: Local Government in Small Northern Territory Communites