"Di-D-fructose anhydride I", obtained by acid depolymerization of inulin triacetate, was found t o be 1',2-anhydro-[l-(a-~-fructofuranosyl)-~ctofuranose]. The high resistance t o oxidation by periodate found for the a-D-fructofuranoside portion was related t o the conformation for the ring wherein the 3'-and 4'-hydroxyl groups are in quasi-axial orientation. This and other conclusions about the conformations of the anhydride were based on a cornparison of the 100 Mc.p.s. proton inagnetic resonance spectra of the 6,6'-dideoxytetra-0-acetyl derivative of the anhydride, sucrose octaacetate, and 1,6-anhydro-a-D-galactofura~lose triacetate.
DISCUSSIONWhen D-fructose reacts with aqueous acid, dimeric D-fructose anhydrides are formed which possess a central 1,4-dioxane ring. Six such di-D-fructose dianhydrides have been described (I). Although both the action of aqueous acid on D-fructose (2) or inulin (3) and the heating of a concentrated aqueous solution of D-fructose (4, 5 ) lead to mixtures of these anhydrides, the treatment of inulin triacetate in chloroform with fuming nitric acid yields only the hexaacetate of that isomer known as "di-D-fructose anhydride I" (6). The formation of the di-D-fructose anhydrides has been attributed (7,8) to the stability of the 1,4-dioxane ring."Di-D-fructose anhydride I" was first reported allnost simultaneously by Jackson and Goergen (3) and by Irvine and Stevenson (6). Methylation followed by hydrolysis to yield 3,4,6-tri-0-methyl-D-fructose established the con~pound to be the 1,2':lf,2-dianhydride of D-fructose (7). The consumption of 2 moles of periodic acid by the con~pound provided additional support for this structure (9). The configurations of the anomeric centers in the di-D-fructose anhydrides have not been established.The alp-configuration was readily established for "di-D-fructose anhydride I" by application of proton magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. T o achieve better chemical shifts between the various lcinds of protons, the spectrum of the hexa-0-acetyl derivative (I) of I1 was determined a t 100 Mc.p.s. with chlorofornl as solvent. Should the compound contain either the a,a-or p,p-configurations, the conformational equilibration would be expected to lead to time-averaging of the resonances for the protons a t the corresponding positions in each of the rings. Certainly, the chemical shifts of the protons a t the 1-and 1'-positions would be averaged out through rapid conformational change of the dioxane ring (10). This would result in the averaging of the resonances for protons a t corresponding positions in the furanoside rings even though these rings should be conformationally rigid. Therefore, the N M R spectra for the 1,2':1',2-di-D-fructofuranose anhydride hexaacetates with the a,a-and P,P-configurations should show signals for only five ltinds of protons on the sugar residue and three pairs of nonequivalent acetyl groups. However, as seen from the spectrum in Fig. 1, the hexaacetate (1) of "di-D-fructose anhydride I" (11) provided a much more comp...