Commensal house mice have spread from their probable origin in north India, differentiating into a number of forms described variously as species, semispecies or subspecies. The different taxa can breed together and exchange genes but they retain their distinctiveness (although Mus ( musculus ) molossinus of Japan seems to be the result of a complete fusion between M. ( m .) musculus and M. ( m .) castaneus ). The most widespread form is M. ( m. ) domesticus , which has successfully colonized every continent as a commensal, albeit with varying contributions from other Mus genomes. It has also been domesticated as the laboratory mouse. This means that the same genome is exposed to a wide variety of environments and gives tremendous opportunities for exploring the operation of different evolutionary mechanisms. Mice have accompanied evolutionary understanding from early Darwinian days -confirming Mendelian ratios and showing they applied in mammals, providing data on rates of evolution, and representing examples of dominance modification, differential survival, competition and other indicators of a struggle for existence. However, they have an unfulfilled potential to drive as well as to illuminate evolutionary theory -by revealing more about, for example, the interactions between gene flow and social determinants, constraints on introgression and physiological adjustments. This potential can be explored through our ever-deepening knowledge of the genome and molecular mechanisms, and by the application of new techniques, but its most effective agent will always be the cross-disciplinary synergy of visionary scientists like Julian Huxley, Charles Elton and Louis Thaler.