The capsids of RNA viruses such as
MS2 are great models for studying
protein self-assembly because they are made almost entirely of multiple
copies of a single coat protein (CP). Although CP is the minimal repeating
unit of the capsid, previous studies have shown that CP exists as
a homodimer (CP2) even in an acid-disassembled system, indicating
that CP2 is an obligate dimer. Here, we investigate the molecular
basis of this obligate dimerization using coarse-grained structure-based
models and molecular dynamics simulations. We find that, unlike monomeric
proteins of similar size, CP populates a single partially folded ensemble
whose “foldedness” is sensitive to denaturing conditions.
In contrast, CP2 folds similarly to single-domain proteins populating
only the folded and the unfolded ensembles, separated by a prominent
folding free energy barrier. Several intramonomer contacts form early,
but the CP2 folding barrier is crossed only when the intermonomer
contacts are made. A dissection of the structure of CP2 through mutant
folding simulations shows that the folding barrier arises both from
the topology of CP and the interface contacts of CP2. Together, our
results show that CP2 is an obligate dimer because of kinetic stability,
that is, dimerization induces a folding barrier and that makes it
difficult for proteins in the dimer minimum to partially unfold and
access the monomeric state without completely unfolding. We discuss
the advantages of this obligate dimerization in the context of dimer
design and virus stability.