SUMMARY1. The properties of single calcium-activated potassium channels (or C-channels) were studied in cell-attached patches using the patch-clamp technique. Experiments were performed on identified Ca2+-dependent U cells in juvenile specimens (1-2 months old) of Helix aspersa.2. The criteria used to identify C-channels were based on comparison between macroscopic C-currents and currents reconstructed from unitary recordings. Both currents had a slow activation rate at large positive potentials which turned into fast activation after large Ca2+ entries. Both currents were blocked by intracellularly injected EGTA. 4. C-channels in U cells were distributed in clusters of three to ten channels (mean 5-05 channels in seventy-five patches). Calcium channels were present in patches containing clustered C-channels. C-channels within clusters behaved independently. 5. With patch electrode containing 8 mM-calcium, C-channels opened transiently upon patch depolarization. Reopenings in quiescent depolarized patches were induced by whole-cell spikes triggered by current pulses applied to an intracellular electrode. Apparent inactivation of C-channels in depolarized patches was in fact due to a decrease in [Ca2+]i resulting from inactivation of Ca2+ channels.6. Calcium-free saline solutions in the patch electrodes prevented C-channels from opening upon patch depolarization. Entry of calcium through the surrounding membrane induced delayed openings in the patch. Peak opening probability PO occurred 330 + 30 ms after a brief Ca2+ entry with a lag period of 50-80 ms. With patch electrodes filled with Ca2+-containing saline solutions and under conditions which maximized C-channel opening, peak P1 was reached in 20-50 ms. The same value was observed for the whole-cell C-current.7. The peak P. at a given patch potential and in response to a whole-cell spike was not altered by a previous long-lasting patch depolarization, or by producing several * To whom correspondence should be addressed. MS
7550M. GOLA, C. DUCREUX AND H. CHAGNEUX successive Ca2+ entries. Thus, C-channels did not appear to be inactivated by depolarization or increase in [Ca2+]i.8. C-channels were found to be relatively highly voltage dependent, with an e-fold increase in PO per 14-9 mV increase in potential. The location of the PO-V curve on the voltage axis, but not its shape, was variable along a 60 mV span. Openings were never observed at potentials below -30 mV.9. Increasing Ca2+ influxes shifted the PO-V relationship towards negative potentials. Reverse shifts were observed during the PO decay following a brief Ca2+ entry.10. The latency to first opening was of 80-100 ms when patch depolarizations were applied immediately after a brief Ca2+ entry. The latency decreased to 10-20 ms when the depolarization was applied 300-600 ms after the Ca2+ entry. These data would indicate that the C-current activation was rate limited by calcium while the voltage-dependent step had fast kinetics.11. The distributions of open time, closed time and burst duration were con...