Carbon in aqueous fluids of crust and mantle Numerous lines of evidence indicate that carbon may be an important component of crustal and mantle fluids. Fluid inclusions provide direct samples of carbon-bearing fluids from a range of environments. Carbon species in fluid inclusions include molecular gas species (CO 2 , CH 4), carbonate ions, and complex organic compounds, including petroleum (Roedder 1984). Carbon-bearing fluid inclusions occur in all crustal metamorphic settings, but they have also been reported in samples derived from mantle depths, including nearly pure CO 2 inclusions in olivine in mantle xenoliths (Roedder 1965; Deines 2002), inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic minerals exhumed from mantle depths (Fu et al. 2003b; Frezzotti et al. 2011), and carbon-bearing fluid inclusions in diamonds from depths corresponding to more than 5 GPa (Navon et al. 1988; Schrauder and Navon 1993). The formation of carbon-bearing minerals in fluid-flow features such as veins and segregations are prima facie indications of carbon transport by deep fluids. Environments in which carbonate veins have been observed range from shallow crustal settings to rocks exhumed from subduction zones (Gao et al. 2007) and, rarely, mantle xenoliths (Demeny et al. 2010). Graphite is also widely observed as a vein mineral, most famously perhaps in the Borrowdale graphite deposit of the Lake District in the United Kingdom (e.g., Barrenechea et al. 2009). The occurrence of C-bearing minerals in metamorphic veins is consistent with the observation that the C content of metamorphic rocks decreases with increasing metamorphic grade. For example, pelagic clay lithologies ("pelites") progressively decarbonate during metamorphism: whereas the global average oceanic sediment has 3.01 wt% CO 2 , low-grade metapelites have an average of 2.31 wt% CO 2 , and high-grade metapelites average 0.22 wt% CO 2 (Shaw 1956; Plank and Langmuir 1998). The decarbonation correlates with dehydration, clearly demonstrating that prograde metamorphic reactions liberate a fluid phase containing both H 2 O and carbon as components. Similarly, the development of calc-silicate skarns in carbonate lithologies (Einaudi et al. 1981), in which fluid flow induces replacement of carbonate minerals (chiefly calcite) by silicates and oxides, requires liberation of carbon to water-rich fluids. Finally, spring waters discharging from active metamorphic terranes commonly contain carbon derived from depth (