Abstract-This study asks questions and elicits answers about the factors that influence E/FL motivation in the Sultanate of Oman from a critical perspective. It triangulates data from semi-structured interviews made with different informants involved in the Omani English language teaching (ELT) system and representing different social, cultural, and academic backgrounds, the Philosophy and Guidelines for the Omani English Language School Curriculum (Nunan, Walton, & Tyacke, 1987) -herewith referred to as the National English Language Policy/Plan (NELP), the pertinent literature and the national textbook Our world Through English (OWTE). The critical discussion has revealed variable ideologies and statements about various factors influencing motivation for learning F/EL. The findings of this study have their direct and important implications for other similar F/EL planning and policy contexts.
Index Terms-ELT, NELP, OWTE, motivation, ideology
I. ENGLISH IN OMANEnglish in the Sultanate of Oman is the only official foreign language. It has been receiving political, economic, and legislative support from the government, which has determined its place on the social hierarchy. It has institutional domains like the mass media, education, and business (Al-Busaidi, 1995). People in Oman learn English for several significant purposes like inter-lingual communication inland and abroad, conducting business, finding a white-collar job, pursuing higher education domestically or abroad, acquiring science and technology and analyzing and understanding the English language cultures. In their Philosophy and Guidelines for the Omani English Language School Curriculum document (Nunan, Walton, & Tyacke, 1987) -herewith referred to as the National English Language Policy/Plan (NELP), the three authors describe English as central to Oman"s continued national development and a pivotal tool for transition and "Omanization" -a process through which gradual replacement of expatriate manpower by Omani qualified and skilled working force occurs. The statistics revealed by the 2010 national census indicate that the number of the expatriate labor force has exceeded 800,000, bearing in mind that the overall population of Oman is about 2.9 million. Most of this relatively cheap workforce comes from countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines.In spite of the importance of English as a powerful tool for achieving multiple purposes, students have always exited the Omani system with a poor functional level. Much of this is attributed to motivation, as a powerful factor that drives foreign language learning and success. This study, therefore, attempts to discuss the factors that influence E/FL motivation from an "ideological" perspective. A thorough survey of the literature on F/EL has revealed that no work discussing this issue from an ideological perspective has been carried out or published.Within this context, the following research questions are asked: 1. What are the key discourses in NELP about the factors influencing motiv...