Christian Spirituality is not neutral. God's Reign or Kingdom is at the core of this spirituality and is political in that it informs, challenges, invites, influences, cajoles, and transforms in a life-giving way people's lives. This particular spirituality seeks out that which is transcendent and, in the light of this transcendence, offers a vision meaningful and inclusive for all. This reflection offers a vision for Christian mission spirituality going forward. The specificity of the Christian life and message has universal implications for the world. As this particular spiritual perspective engages other religious and spiritual perspectives a mutual enrichment occurs that has the potential to transform in a life-giving way individuals and communities living in an era of rapid economic, social, political, and cultural globalization. The concept of interculturation is proposed as an approach to serve the purpose of exploring a vision for an inclusive mission spirituality in an era of religious and cultural pluralism. Such a concept provides interpretive language, life-giving symbols and meaningful metaphors to understand and affirm the universality of every contextual particularity.