Regulatory requirements, as opposed to requirements for a particular system, have a generic nature, are applicable to a wide range of systems and are the basis for certification or licensing process. The important tasks in requirement engineering are resolving requirements inconsistencies between regulators and developers of safety-critical computer systems and the validation of regulatory requirements. This paper proposes a new approach to the regulatory process, including the use of formal regulatory requirements as a basis for the development of software assessment methods. We address the differences between prescriptive and nonprescriptive regulation, and suggest a middle approach. The notion of a normative package is introduced as the collection of documents to be used by a regulator and provided to a developer. It is argued that the normative package should include not only regulatory requirements, but also methods of their assessment. This approach is illustrated with examples of requirements for protecting computer control systems against unauthorized access and against common-mode software failures, using the Z notation for the formalization.