The appearance of coronaviruses, like other viruses in mammals, is provoked by environmental factors -xenobiotics, formed mainly due to unreasonable human activity and resulting from the formation of an ecological (epidemiological) niche filled with molecular motifs of the intestinal microbiota using, for example, CRISPR/Cas mechanism, when these motifs try to adapt the immune and hormonal systems. It all depends on how much xenobiotics damage the immune and hormonal systems. Therefore, viruses are not the cause, but the consequence of the disease. The fight against viruses with the help of vaccines prepared on their basis has disrupted and delayed the natural mechanisms of regulation of biological processes in plants and mammals for more than 200 years (since the discovery of the smallpox vaccine). Thus, viruses arise from bacteria, and adaptation ends with microbiota bacteria, which can cause disease or, as a rule, in a healthy organism, the stage of bacterial infection is asymptomatic. In the latter case, the molecular motifs of the microbiota are adaptogens, not apoptogens (viruses) and spread in the environment, adapting or infecting others. This mechanism is also applicable to somatic diseases, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune, oncological, etc. Structural and functional features of SARS-CoV-2 proteins suggest that its main property is the ability to suppress innate and acquired nonspecific viral immunity in the respiratory tract (unlike HIV, in which all immunity is suppressed). This led to the reactivation of chronic, mainly bacterial, respiratory infections -pneumococci, staphylococci, hemophiluses, however, fungal infections can also be observedmucormycosis, aspergillosis, etc. This feature of the coronavirus prompted doctors at the beginning of the epidemic (2020) to use a pneumococcal vaccine, which, as it turned out, similarly to the coronavirus vaccine reduces the severity of the disease and mortality. We propose a technology of individual vaccination based on personal diagrams of human antibody clones specific to new circulating molecular motifs. Analysis of the profile of antibodies, namely their individual clones to the antigenic structures of the virus in humans before vaccination, should serve as a basis for excluding or including individual immunogens in a personal vaccine. In the future, the data from the antibody diagrams of each person can be transferred to a USB flash drive and used to obtain an aerosol or a nutritional cocktail formed from bifidobacteria adapted to infectious agents by a natural mechanism: xenobiotic (a new structure of the antigen) -a bacterium.