This report examines the chemical disposition of plutonium (Pu) in Hanford Site tank wastes, by itself and in its observed and potential interactions with the neutron absorbers aluminum (Al), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and sodium (Na). Consideration also is given to the interactions of plutonium with uranium (U). No consideration of the disposition of uranium itself as an element with fissile isotopes is considered except tangentially with respect to its interaction as an absorber for plutonium. into plutonium and absorber element behavior under alkaline and plant process conditions. Three external reviewers, Scott Barney, independent consultant, and David Hobbs and Tracy Rudisill of the Savannah River National Laboratory examined the near-complete document and provided insightful, germane, and complementary comments. We thank Reid Peterson (PNNL) for project oversight and Lisa Staudinger (PNNL) for her attention and care in formatting and technically editing this manuscript. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the fundamental and applied research into the chemistry of plutonium and other transuranic elements in alkaline media conducted by scientists and technicians of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In particular we note the scientific leadership of Professors