1-Guanyl-3,5-diniethylpyrazolc nitrate is superior to S-methylisothiourorlium sulphate as a reagent for preparation of simple salts of mono-and N,N-di-allcylg~~anitlines from cyclohesylaniine, tra~zs-2-anii11ocyclo1~~~a11o1, pyrrolidine, and piperidir~e. S-h'Icthylisothiouro~~iurn sulphate, however, gave a higher conversion in the case of tlimctIi>.lan~ine. Cyanamide is not as useful a guanylatilig agent as those n i c~~t i o~i e d above. The paper cliromatography of the nio~io-and N,N-di-alkylguanidines and the parent arni~rcs \\,as studied using four solvent systems.
l NTRODUCTIONOf the ilumerous methods reported in the literature for preparation of mono-and N,N-di-alliylguanidines, those \vhich have been used most frecluently are the Erlenmeyer synthesis ( I ) , from amine salts and cyanamide (2, 3 , 1 , 5 , G ) , and the Rath1.e synthesis ( 7 ) , from amines and an all;ylisothiouronium or alkylisouronium salt (8, 9,10,11,12). Both methods, however, frequently lead to poor jrields of all