Several "low molecular weight" or "secretory" phospholipases A(2) isoforms may be expressed in mammalian neural cells. Indeed, mRNAs for GIB, GIIA, GIIE, GIII, GV, GX, and GXII were detected in brain tissues despite different levels. However, only the presence of GIB, GIIA, and GV proteins has been clearly demonstrated in neural cells or in the nervous tissue. Although the roles of GIB and GV in the nervous tissue are still elusive, there is evidence to support the involvement of GIIA in physiological and pathological events, including neurotransmission, long-term potentiation, and neuritogenesis. The neurotoxic effects of an increase in GIIA may be envisaged under pathological conditions associated with the activation of astrocytes during inflammation or through activation of neurons and enzymes due to the stimulation of the NMDA glutamate receptor. In the past, elevation of GIIA expression in many acute and chronic neurological diseases is well known. Although each neurodegenerative disease has a separate etiology, many share similar neurochemical common processes, such as excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction, phenomena where GIIA play an important role.