Knowledge of the rate and nature of spontaneous mutation is fundamental to understanding evolutionary and molecular processes. In this report, we analyze spontaneous mutations accumulated over thousands of generations by wild-type Escherichia coli and a derivative defective in mismatch repair (MMR), the primary pathway for correcting replication errors. The major conclusions are (i) the mutation rate of a wild-type E. coli strain is ∼1 × 10 −3 per genome per generation; (ii) mutations in the wild-type strain have the expected mutational bias for G:C > A:T mutations, but the bias changes to A:T > G:C mutations in the absence of MMR; (iii) during replication, A:T > G:C transitions preferentially occur with A templating the lagging strand and T templating the leading strand, whereas G:C > A:T transitions preferentially occur with C templating the lagging strand and G templating the leading strand; (iv) there is a strong bias for transition mutations to occur at 5′ApC3′/3′TpG5′ sites (where bases 5′A and 3′T are mutated) and, to a lesser extent, at 5′GpC3′/3′CpG5′ sites (where bases 5′G and 3′C are mutated); (v) although the rate of small (≤4 nt) insertions and deletions is high at repeat sequences, these events occur at only 1/10th the genomic rate of base-pair substitutions. MMR activity is genetically regulated, and bacteria isolated from nature often lack MMR capacity, suggesting that modulation of MMR can be adaptive. Thus, comparing results from the wild-type and MMR-defective strains may lead to a deeper understanding of factors that determine mutation rates and spectra, how these factors may differ among organisms, and how they may be shaped by environmental conditions. evolution | mutation accumulation | neutral mutation | mutational hotspots | indels M utations are the source of variation upon which natural selection acts; thus, a complete understanding of evolutionary processes must include an accurate assessment of mutation rates and of the molecular spectrum of mutational events. In addition, we need to know whether, and how, intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence mutational processes. This understanding must be founded on baseline parameters established by analyzing mutations that accumulate in a neutral fashion, unbiased by selective pressures. Much of our knowledge of spontaneous mutation is based on mutations that occur in nonessential reporter genes during short-term laboratory culture of microorganisms (1). An alternative approach is to compare presumably neutral mutations that have accumulated over evolutionary time periods in diverged species (2). Both methods have substantial uncertainties. The experimental approach may use reporter loci that are not representative of the whole genome and necessarily incorporates assumptions about the expression and neutrality of the mutant phenotypes. The historical approach relies on estimated divergence times and the absence of selective pressure on synonymous sequence changes. High-throughput whole-genome sequencing allows some of these limitations to be...