(1,2) and the secretion of arachidonic acid metabolites (3, 4), activated oxygen intermediates (5, 6), and hydrolytic enzymes (5, 7). Like many other receptor-ligand interactions, the initial signal transmitted 'to the cell by the receptor and the subsequent steps leading to the activation of the host defense mechanisms are unclear.Our interest in FcR-mediated events stemmed from the association of early membrane potential (AT) changes with the activation of leukocytes by concanavalin A, phorbol myristic acetate, sand zymosan (8-12 The monoclonal antibody 2.4G2 was prepared as described (13). Other monoclonal antibodies (1.21J, 2D2C, and 2E2A) directed against major membrane proteins of mouse macrophages (16) were similarly purified. 2.4G2 Fab fragments were obtained by papain digestion (13). Dinitrophenol-modified bovine serum albumin (17) (11 mol of DNP per mol of albumin; DNP11-albumin) was separated from free DNP by elution through a DEAE-52 column. Rabbit antibody against DNP (anti-DNP IgG) was prepared by affinity chromatography (17). Soluble immunocomplexes were formed by mixing rabbit anti-DNP IgG and DNP11-albumin at an IgG/DNP11-albumin molar ratio of 6:1. Insoluble immunocomplexes were formed by mixing equal volumes of rabbit anti-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) antiserum (courtesy of R. Steinman, The'Rockefeller University), with 0.25 mg of HRP per ml of phosphate-buffered saline. After 30 min at 40C, the complexes were collected by centrifugation (15 min; Eppendorf Microfuge) and resuspended in buffer at a HRP concentration of 1 mg/ml. The 2.4G2 IgG Fab fragment, intact IgG, and DNP11-albumin were coupled to CNBr-activated Sephadex G-25, superfine 10-40 ,um (14, 16 albumin, DNP-modified bovine serum albumin (molar ratio, 11:1); DNP11-albumin-Sephadex, Sephadex G-25 beads covalently modified with DNP11-albumin; anti-DNP IgG, rabbit antibody against DNP.
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