This paper describes new equipment and its a,ppl icatio~s in the. pn;cis. e de~erminati~n of the spectral radiant energy emission of light sources havll1g l?w ll1tnnslC ~ng.htn~ss, 111 particular fluoreRcent lam~s. The ev.aluat~on o! th.e spectra:l radla?t energy d~st~l.b utlOn of light sources having supenmposed bnght lines I S disc ussed 111 ~eta~l. Data ale " I\:-en on a numbe r of commercially available fluorescent so urces. ApplICatIOns are noted 111 other problems, for example absolute spectral emissivity measurements 0!1 tungsten, spectral re fl ectivities, spect ral tran smittance measurements on d~rk sh.a~e weldll1g ~lass, total ozone studies, or measurements in other situations where low m tensltles may be mvolved.