Objectives: As ultrasonography is increasingly used in the emergency department (ED), ultrasound equipment has become a potential threat to infection control. Improperly cleaned ultrasound probes may serve as a vector for pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The primary objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of MRSA colonization on ultrasound probes used in a busy, urban ED. It was hypothesized that cultures of our ED ultrasound probes would yield a significant number of positive results for MRSA. Methods: In this observational study, 11 ED ultrasound probes were randomly sampled on 10 different occasions. Samples were taken using a RODAC plate method and were cultured for MRSA and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). On half of the randomly assigned sampling occasions, a visual inspection of each ultrasound probe for general cleanliness was conducted and recorded. Data were stratified by ultrasound location in the ED and analyzed using the Fisher exact test, with p , 0.05 deemed to be statistically significant. Results: Of 110 samples, no isolates of MRSA were cultured. One probe yielded a positive culture for MSSA. Probes in the medicine, trauma, and pediatrics areas were found to be clean 65%, 33%, and 70% of the time, respectively. This variability in probe cleanliness by ED location was found to be statistically significant (p , 0.01). Conclusions: Contrary to our hypothesis, MRSA contamination of ultrasound probes was not found. This finding suggests that the spread of MRSA by ED ultrasound machines in a high-volume urban ED is unlikely. Further research at different centres with larger sample sizes is required before these results can be generalized.
RÉ SUMÉObjectifs : Les services des urgences (SU) utilisent de plus en plus l'é chographie; or, ces appareils sont devenus des menaces potentielles dans la lutte contre l'infection. Des sondes é chographiques mal nettoyé es peuvent en effet servir de vecteurs aux pathogè nes comme le Staphylococcus aureus ré sistant à la mé thicilline (SARM). Cette é tude avait donc comme principal objectif de dé terminer la pré valence de colonisation par le SARM des sondes é chographiques utilisé es dans un SU en milieu urbain à grande affluence. On a é mis l'hypothè se que des cultures des sondes é chographiques du SU donneraient un nombre important de ré sultats positifs quant au SARM. Mé thodes : Dans cette é tude par observation, onze sondes é chographiques ont é té é chantillonné es au hasard en dix occasions diffé rentes. Les é chantillons ont é té pré levé s au moyen de la mé thode en boîte Rodac et cultivé s afin d'y dé tecter la pré sence de SARM et de SASM (Staphylococcus aureus sensibles à la mé thicilline). Lors de la moitié des é chantillonnages au hasard, une inspection visuelle de la propreté globale de chaque sonde é chographique a é té mené e et consigné e. Les donné es ont é té stratifié es par site d'é chographie au SU et analysé es au moyen de la mé thode exacte de Fisher, où p , 0,...