A study of the complexes formed between short linear DNA and three H1 variants, a typical somatic HI, and the extreme variants H5, from chicken erythrocytes, and spHl from sea urchin sperm, has revealed differences between HI, H5 and spHl that have implications for chromatin structure and folding.1. All three histones bind cooperatively to DNA in 35 mM NaCl forming similar, but not identical, rod-like complexes. With sufficiently long DNA the complexes may be circular, circles forming more easily with H5 and spH1 than with H1.2. The binding of H5 and spHl to DNA is cooperative even in 5 mM NaC1, resulting in well-defined thin filaments that appear to contain two DNA molecules bridged by histone molecules. In contrast, H1 binds distributively over all the DNA molecules in 5 mM NaCl, but forms short stretches similar in appearance to the thin filaments formed with H5 and spH1. Rods appear to arise from the intertwining of regular thin filaments containing cooperatively bound histone molecules on raising the NaCl concentration to 35 mM.3. The compositions of the rods correspond to one histone molecule for about every 47 bp (Hl), 81 bp (H5) and 112 bp (spHl), suggesting average spacings of 24 bp (Hl), 41 bp (H5) and 56 bp (spH1) in the component thin (double) filaments. Strikinaly, these values are proportional to the linker lengths of the chromatins in which Histone the particular H1 variant is themain or sole H1.H1 serves the dual function of sealing the two turns of DNA around the histone octamer in the nucleosome and of mediating the ordered, salt-dependent folding of the 10-nm filament to form the 30-nm filament in vitro [I]. Different H1 variants may occur in different species, cell types and developmental stages [2] (and references therein). The structural significance of these variants is poorly understood [2], but it seems likely that they may be involved in the generation of folded filaments of different stabilities (cf.[3]), and that they may thereby play a role in regulating the accessibility of genes for transcription. Since all current models for the higher-order structure of chromatin [4] (and references therein) envisage the interaction of H1 to be primarily with DNA rather than with the core histones, we have asked whether there are differences in the interaction of different H1 variants with DNA that might account for the different properties in v i m and in vivo of the chromatins in which a particular variant is the sole, or major, HI.In an extension of earlier work on H1-DNA complexes [5], we have made a systematic study of the histone-DNA complexes formed by three quite distinct members of the H1 family: a typical somatic H1 (chicken Hl); the extreme variant, H5, which is the major lysine-rich histone in terminally repressed mature-chicken erythrocytes [6] ; and another extreme variant, spH1, from repressed sea-urchin sperm [7]. Chicken-erythrocyte chromatin and particularly sea-urchin-sperm chromatin are both highly condensed, and in addition to their distinctive H1 histones have long nucleosom...