Useful information about the symmetry of a structure may be provided by the probability distribution of the intensities of its X-ray reflexions. Centrosymmetrical and non-centrosymmetrical structures give rise to different distributions, represented by (1)N(Z) and (1)N(Z), when the unit cell contains a sufficient number of atoms distributed effectively at random (Wilson, 1949;Howells, Phillips & Rogers, 1950). Hargreaves (1955) has shown that the crystal symmetry modifies the intensity distribution in a more complex fashion when the scattering power of a single heavy atom in a general position in the unit cell dominates that of the remaining lighter atoms. He has considered the intensity distributions of zones of reflexions which provide information about the symmetry of the nine oblique and rectangular plane groups and finds that they are of three different types. These In a recent paper Collin (1955) considers the effect on the intensity distributions of atoms in fixed positions, an atom in a fixed position being defined as one which has no variable position parameter. Collin shows that the (1)N(Z) and (i)N(Z) distributions are seriously modified when the atoms in fixed positions are heavy compared with the other atoms in the structure, and that the distribution curve for centrosymmetrical structures becomes (max.)N(Z) if the atom in the fixed position is very heavy. Collin states that it is difficult to relate his own work on atoms in fixed positions to that of Hargreaves, which is concerned with atoms in general positions, because in one case (Collin) the reflexions are divided into groups, each with its characteristic N(Z) function, whilst in the other (Hargreaves) all reflexions are considered together.The reason why it is possible to consider all' reflexions together (excluding, in general, those for which h or k = 0) when the heavy atoms are in general positions is that, for each of the nine plane groups examined, all types of h/c reflexions give rise to the same N(Z) distribution. For example, in the plane group ping the reflexions may be divided into two groups--those with h even and those with h odd; the geometrical structure factor is 4 cos 2zhx.eos 2=ky for the first group and --4 sin 2=hx.sin 2=ky for the second group: but for an atom in a general position both expressions lead to the same distribution,
namely (CC)N(Z).It is implicit within the earlier paper by the author that reflexions of types h0 and Ok must, in general, be considered separately from those of type hk. Thus if hk reflexions have a geometrical structure factor of the form It is evident, therefore, that making h or k = 0 may modify the geometrical structure factor so as to produce a different type of distribution. Similar modifications of the geometrical structure factor, giving different N(Z) distributions, are obtained by making x or y = 0, t, ½ etc., and in the following it will be shown that the work of Hargreaves (1955) can easily be extended to cover single heavy atoms in special (including fixed) positions. It will be see...