The article proves the significance and relevance of the concept of strategic development of the regional fuel and energy complex (FEC) based on the triad consisting of innovative cluster formations, harmonization of proportions according to the graph analytical model, formation of effective system of anti-sanctions pressure. It is suggested that regional FEC should be regarded as complex hierarchical organizational technical and economic systems with a global purpose of effective functioning within the life cycle. The authors prove that issues devoted to alternative choice of cluster formations are possible only on the basis of the system criterion which takes into account financial and economic indicators as well as technical and technological, social and environmental ones. The article presents verbal comparative assessment of cluster formations – regional industrial cluster (mega-cluster), coal and energy complex (meso-cluster), mine systems (mini-cluster) – according to the classification characteristics of a cluster. It is stated that any cluster formation has the right for implementation in case it passes the criterion barrier for socio-economic efficiency.It has been stated that the global purpose for the regional FEC is to ensure energy security of the region. During the sanctions period the Kuzbass should adapt its economy towards cardinal transformation of traffic flows and develop operation of the regional FEC on the basis of harmonization of the parameters of the basic elements according to the graph analytical model. To form the targets it is essential to predict and model the development trends of the regional FEC. This fact predetermines scientific methodological support according to optimization models. The basic foundation of the regional concept is the graph analytical model of interrelation of subjects of strategic management and relations of technological elements of the Kuzbass FEC’s function. Identification of the limit parameters within all the elements of conceptual inequality of interaction, i.e. determination of conditionally optimal parameters of coal production, transportation and demand, essential energy capacities and environmental restrictions, is needed for making strategic decisions and will ensure synergetic effect within the entire production system of the region.