Although Paleogene warm climatic intervals have received considerable attention for atmospheric and oceanographic changes, the authigenic mineralization associated with these time spans remains overlooked. An extensive review of the literature reveals a close correspondence between the high abundance of glauconite and warm climatic intervals during the Paleogene period. The abundance of phosphorite, ironstone, lignite and black shale deposits reveals similar trends. Although investigated thoroughly, the origin of these authigenic deposits is never understood in the background of Paleogene warming climatic intervals. A combination of factors like warm seawater, hypoxic shelf, low rate of sedimentation, and enhanced rate of continental weathering facilitated the glauconitization. The last factor caused the excess supply of nutrients, including Fe, Si, K, Mg and Al through the rivers, the cations needed for the formation of glauconite. The excessive inflow of nutrient-rich freshwater into the shallow seas further ensured high organic productivity and stratification in shallow shelves, causing hypoxia. The consequent rapid rise in sea-level during the warm periods created extensive low-relief shallow marine shelves starved in sediments. Oxygen-deficiency in the shallow marine environment facilitated the fixation of Fe into the glauconite structure. The inflow of nutrient-rich water during the warm climatic intervals facilitated the formation of phosphorite, ironstone, and organic-matter-rich sedimentary deposits as well. Although global factors primarily controlled the formation of these authigenic deposits, local factors played significant roles in some of the deposits. Therefore, phosphorites formed in marine conditions with open circulation within the tropical zone. While lush growth of rainforest covers in the tropical belt facilitated the formation of coastal lignite.