In the present talk we present an investigation of nonabelian SU (N ) gauge theories, describing a system of fields with non-dual g and dualg charges and revealing the generalized dual symmetry. The Zwanziger type action is suggested. The renormalization group equations for pure nonabelian theories, in particular for pure SU (3) × SU (3) gauge theory (as an example) are analysed. We consider not only monopoles, but also dyons. The behaviour of the QCD total beta-function is investigated. It was shown that this beta-function is antisymmetric under the interchange α ↔ 1 α (here α ≡ α s ), and has zero ("fixed point") at α = 1. Monopoles, or dyons, are responsible for the phase transition. Considering critical points at α 1 ≈ 0.4 and α 2 ≈ 2.5, we give an explanation of the freezing of α s .