The paper reviews the following systems: body wall, nervous system, protonephridia, parenchyma, digestive system, reproductive system, and includes a summary of the literature. New information is presented for the catenulid and neoophoran body wall-construction, the kalyptorhynch proboscis, the catenulid and haplopharyngid protonephridial construction, and the prolecithophoran spermatozoon and female germ cell. Examples of new features, as well as examples of how electron microscopy has clarified the relative position of structures and their substructures are given from the subcellular level to the organization of whole organs. Fine structural features linking different turbellarian orders are summarized. They apparently support Karling's (1974) latest assessment of the affinities between the turbellarian orders which is based primarily on light histological data, they add the recognition of a special link between the Macrostomida and Haplopharyngida and they suggest the existence of three main evolutionary lines within the Turbellaria.