Online teaching platforms have been popularized and promoted as a result of the development of network information technology, and colleges and universities encourage teachers to use a variety of network teaching platforms to innovate teaching models and improve teaching effectiveness. Using an ideological and political online course as an example, it analyzes the teaching design concepts, instructional effects, and existing problems on the online learning platform, and extracts recommendations for online course construction that have a specific reference for online course teaching. Additionally, aiming at the multiobjective cloud resource scheduling problem, this article aims to optimize the total completion time and total execution cost of the task. It does so by utilizing fuzzy mathematics, establishing a fuzzy cloud resource scheduling model, and proposing a hybrid intelligent optimization algorithm CO. The CO algorithm is validated by randomly generating cloud-computing resource scheduling data using the CloudSim simulation platform. The experimental results indicate that the CO algorithm outperforms traditional cloud resource scheduling algorithms in terms of optimization and load balancing performance.