Use case based Software testing concerned with testing an entire system's functionality and its constraints. User's requirements can be drawn in form of use cases to show the internal and external behaviour of a system. The use case has been used to test software system for different levels as well as through many ways according to nature of software. Rather than proposing a new technique, it is necessary to synthesize the existing techniques of Use case based software testing which is available in the literature. A Systematic Literature Review has been performed to investigate all the current approaches of Use case based software testing techniques. A question-wise analysis has also been presented for the researchers to investigate the effectiveness of these techniques. In results, we have discussed all the existing approaches of Use case based software testing along with its strengths & weaknesses and measure the characteristics of these approaches based on some key parameters. We have concluded the current state of the art of all the existing approaches of Use case based testing. Results are based on both types of analysis; Qualitative as well as Quantitative.