The paper seeks to explain the basic characteristics, tendencies and perspectives of relations in the USA-EU-Russia triangle and their significance and impact in the wider international context. The author explains the circumstances and the problems the USA, EU and Russia face in their mutual cooperation, as well as the impact of this strategically important cooperation on the overall international relations. She points to the fact that in addition to the many common interests, there are significant differences and contradictions in both international positions, as well as in the immediate and long term goals of the USA, EU and Russia. It is emphasized that an effective fight with a series of new threats and challenges in the world, will ultimately require the restructuring of relations between the EU and NATO, as well as the development of specific strategies for cooperation between USA, EU and Russia. At the same time, as was stated, the EU should play a greater role than before. It is concluded that in this respect there are many unused opportunities for cooperation between Russia, EU and USA, and that the impact of the EU in the world depends upon EU’s willingness and ability to contribute to resolving international security problems. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179029: Srbija u savremenim međunarodnim odnosima: Strateški pravci razvoja i učvršćivanja položaja Srbije u međunarodnim integrativnim procesima - spoljnopolitički, međunarodni ekonomski, pravni i bezbednosni aspekti