This article presents a thematic analysis of the research evidence on assessment feedback in higher education (HE) Keywords: assessment, feedback, higher education, feedback gap, feedback landscape.A focus on assessment feedback from a higher education (HE) perspective is pertinent given those debates on enhancing student access, retention, completion, and satisfaction within college and university contexts (Eckel & King, 2004). This article will provide a timely and thorough critique of the latest developments within the assessment feedback field. The focus of the review is on the feedback that students receive within their coursework from multiple sources. In the introduction, feedback is defined and the HE context articulated. This is followed by an analysis of 460 articles on assessment feedback in HE produced in the past 12 years. Key themes and dominant discourses are explored, including an examination of the feedback gap. Relevant theoretical perspectives are drawn upon and extended to conceptualize the feedback landscape in order to provide a valuable framework for considering the issues and processes implicit in implementing effective assessment feedback designs within HE contexts and to facilitate future research agendas in assessment feedback in HE.