EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program, www.enmap.org) is a German, Earth observing, imaging spectroscopy, spaceborne mission planned for launch in 2020. The data products will cover the spectral range from 420 nm to 2450 nm with a spectral sampling distance between 5 and 12 nm with an expected signal-to-noise-ratio of 400:1 in the visible near-infrared and 180:1 in the shortwave infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The resulting images will cover an area of 30 km in the acrosstrack direction with a ground sampling distance of 30 m. The across-track tilt-capability of 30° enables revisit times of less than four days. The resulting data products will be freely available to the scientific user community for measuring, deriving, and analyzing diagnostic parameters, which describe vital processes on the Earth's surface comprising agriculture, forestry, soil and geological environments, as well as coastal zones and inland waters. This work concentrates on the description of activities performed and facilities involved for the preparation of these products. It starts out by the description of the User Portals for observation requests and acquisition planning, touches the aspects of creating the time-lines, the commanding and controlling of the satellite, the downlink of the telemetry and payload data, the design of the processing chain and the archiving of data plus a set of activities flanking the above for the provision of high-quality data products.