In the present report, by using a patch clamp technique, we provide, to our knowledge, the first detailed description of an anionic channel from filamentous fungi. The characterized channel, an outwardly rectifying anionic channel ( The molecular identities and electrophysiological and structural properties of anion-selective channels are well characterized in animal cells and, to a lesser extent, in plant cells (7,22,29,31). In fungi, on the other hand, data on anion channels are very scarce. Up to now, only two electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the existence of anion channels in fungal membranes. Both of these studies, however, were mainly methodological, dealing with the development of techniques for successful patch clamping (i.e., gigaseal formation) of fungal plasma membranes. The channel activity recordings primarily illustrated the validity of the techniques. The available data show that anion channels from cell membranes of Neurospora crassa (37) and Aspergillus niger (33) are selective for Cl Ϫ over K ϩ , with single-channel conductances of 17 pS and 43 pS, respectively, and that the one from N. crassa is a weak outward rectifier while the one from A. niger is a strong rectifier. No data on selectivity among anions, kinetic parameters, or blockers of these channels are available.The lack of knowledge about fungal anion channels is mainly the result of technical difficulties in the formation of a highresistance seal, a"gigaohm seal" (Ͼ1 G⍀) between hyphal plasma membranes and patch clamp pipettes. The "gigaohm seal" is necessary for detailed analysis of ion channel properties (i.e., selectivity and gating). These difficulties are a consequence of the specific structure of the fungal cell wall. The only readily patchable fungal cell membrane is that of a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), the experimental model used in virtually all electrophysiological characterizations of fungal cationic channels (3). None of these experiments showed anion channel activity, indicating the absence of anionic channels. However, unicellular organization and cell walls composed of mannans and glucans clearly separate yeasts from the majority of other fungi denoted filamentous fungi. Filamentous fungi are characterized by multicelullar mycelia, polarized hyphal growth, and chitin cell walls. Electrophysiological study of the only cationic channel from a filamentous fungus (N. crassa) that has been well characterized was conducted by cloning and expression of the channel in yeast plasma membranes (32).Removal of the cell wall with cell wall-degrading enzymes, which gave good results in plants, failed to solve the problem in fungi, since patch clamping of the obtained protoplasts resulted only in subgigaohm seals that were not suitable for detailed examination of ionic channels (14,25). The only exception is the report of a gigaohm seal on enzyme-derived germling protoplast from Uromyces (40). In another report, the problem of cell wall removal was resolved by using a wall-less slime mutant of N. crassa (24). Desp...