Mitotic rates of epithelial cells in Sprague-Dawley rat mammary glands were investigated in the virgin rat, and during pregnancy, lactation and involution. In addition, rates of cell division were determined in mammary gland neoplasms induced by dimethylbenz( alanthracene (DMBA). The mammary gland epithelium of the virgin rat exhibited a slight but continuous mitotic activity through all phases of the estrous cycle, indicating a low rate of cell renewal. During pregnancy the rate increased markedly, attaining a peak on the twelfth day. The rates of mitosis declined during lactation and involution. The majority of DMBA induced mammary gland neoplasms exhibited mitotic rates lower than the normal mammary gland during pregnancy.The rates of cell division in the mammary gland epithelium of the female Sprague-Dawley rat were determined throughout the stages of the estrous cycle in the virgin rat, and during pregnancy, lactation and involution. Mitotic rates were also determined in mammary gland neoplasms induced in the same strain by the administration of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA).The mitotic rates of numerous cell populations in the rat have previously been determined (Bertalanffy, '64), including those of the female genital tract epithelia (Bertalanffy and Lau, '63). Yet, a search of the literature failed to reveal a comprehensive investigation of the rates of cell division in the epithelium of the mammary gland. Laguchev ('62) investigated the mitotic rates of the mammary glands of mice during different stages of the estrous cycle. Echave Llanos and Piezzi ('63) demonstrated the occurrence of diurnal variation of mitotic activity in the mammary glands of pregnant mice. Reece and Warbritton ( ' 5 3 ) reported in a brief abstract that the rate of cell division in the rat mammary gland was highest at the mid-point of pregnancy. Thus, only sporadic information is so far available. Therefore it seemed worthwhile to carry out a more complete study of the rates of proliferation in the normal mammary gland parenchyma of ANAT. REC., 174: 1-8.