Currently, thirty-two zinc, thirty-two selenium, twenty-nine bromine and thirty-one neodymium isotopes have been observed and the discovery of these isotopes is discussed here. For each isotope a brief synopsis of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.[119]. A 40 Ca beam from the Berkeley SuperHILAC bombarded a gas-cooled 92 Mo target. 127 Nd was produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction 92 Mo( 40 Ca,αn) and identified with the on-line isotope separator OASIS. "From the growth and decay data, a half-life of 1.9 ± 0.4 s was deduced, which is in good agreement with the calculated value of 1.8 s for 127 Nd." This half-life is included in the currently accepted average value of 1.8(4) s.
128 NdIn 1985 128 Nd was identified by Lister et al. in "Deformation of Very Light Rare-Earth Nuclei" [120]. A 40 Ca beam from the Daresbury Laboratory Van de Graaff accelerator was incident on a 92 Mo target and 128 Nd was produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction 92 Mo( 40 Ca,2p2n). Gamma rays, neutrons and charged particles were detected and new ground-state bands observed. "This letter reports results on the ground-state bands in the even-even nuclei 128 ." An earlier identification and half-life measurement of 4(2) s [119] was later refuted [121]. 5.4. 129−133 Nd The first identification of 129 Nd, 130 Nd, 131 Nd, 132 Nd, and 133 Nd, was reported in 1977 by Bogdanov et al. in "New Neutron-Deficient Isotopes of Barium and Rare-Earth Elements" [122]. The Dubna U-300 Heavy Ion Cyclotron accelerated a 32 S beam which bombarded enriched targets of 102 Pd and 106 Cd. The isotopes were identified with the BEMS-2 isotope separator. "In the present paper, isotopes were mainly identified by measuring the γ-ray and X-ray spectra of the daughter nuclei formed as a result of measuring the β + decay. In addition, the decay curves of the total β-activity of given isobars have been measured." The reported half-life of 5.9(6) s for 129 Nd is close to the accepted value of 4.9(2) s. The half-life of 28(3) s for 130 Nd is within a factor of two of the currently accepted value of 13(3) s. The half-lives of 24(3) s ( 131 Nd) and 105(10) s ( 132 Nd) are included in the currently accepted average values of 25.4(9) s and 94(8) s. The half-life of 70(10) s for 133 Nd corresponds to the presently adopted half-life. 5.5. 134,135 Nd 134 Nd and 135 Nd were discovered by Abdurazakov et al. in the 1970 paper "New Isotopes 133 Pr, 134 Nd, and 135 Nd; Decay Schemes of 134 Pr and 135 Pr" [123]. Spallation reactions were induced by 660 MeV protons irradiating a gadolinium target at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions in Dubna, Russia. The reaction products were then chemically separated and identified by the measured γ-ray spectra. " 134 Nd was identified and its half-life determined via the strongest γ rays of 134 Pr (T = 17±2 min) with energies 409.2 and 639.0 keV.[The figure] shows the build-up and decline of the intensity of the 409.2 keV γ lray of 134 Pr. The half-life of was found from the...