Long ago an unexpected and unexplainable phenomena was observed. The
distribution of muons from positive pion decay at rest was anisotropic with an
excess in the backward direction relative to the direction of the proton beam
from which the pions were created. Although this effect was observed by several
different groups with pions produced by different means, the result was not
accepted by the physics community, because it is in direct conflict with a
large set of other experiments indicating that the pion is a pseudoscalar
particle. It is possible to satisfy both sets of experiments if helicity-zero
vector particles exist and the pion is such a particle. Helicity-zero vector
particles have direction but no net spin. For the neutral pion to be a vector
particle requires an additional modification to conventional theory as
discussed herein. An experiment is proposed which can prove that the asymmetry
in the distribution of muons from pion decay is a genuine physical effect
because the asymmetry can be modified in a controllable manner. A positive
result will also prove that the pion is NOT a pseudoscalar particle.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure