. 63, 2485 (1985).The acid hydrolysis of cyclic orthoesters 1, 3-6 (R = Me), and 2 (R = Me and Et) as a function of pH was studied. The bicyclic orthoester 5 yields mainly the hydroxy-ester (less than 5% lactone), and this result is essentially independent of pH. For the other orthoesters, the relative percentage of products differs for each case and varies with pH. At pH 5 3, the percentage of lactone is always larger than at pH > 3. 'These results are explained on the basis of the stereoelectronic theory for the cleavage of tetrahedral intermediates. PIERRE DESLONGCHAMPS, JEAN LESSARD et YVES NADEAU. Can. J. Chem. 63, 2485Chem. 63, (1985.On a CtudiC I'hydrolyse acide des orthoesters cycliques 1,3-6 (R = Me) et 2 (R = Me et Et) en fonction du pH. L'orthoester bicyclique 5 donne principalement I'hydroxy-ester (moins de 5% de lactone) et ce resultat est indkpendant du pH. Pour les autres orthoesters, le pourcentage relatif de produits de rkaction est diffkrent dans chaque cas et varie avec le pH. A pH 5 3, le pourcentage de lactone est toujours plus grand qu'h pH > 3. On explique ces rCsultats en tenant compte de la thCorie du contr6le stCrCc6lectronique dans le bris des intermediaires tCtraCdriques.The mild acid hydrolysis under kinetically controlled conditions of the five cyclic orthoesters 1-5 (R = C2H5) (Scheme 1) was reported by our laboratory (3) in 1975. It was found that each orthoester gave essentially only the corresponding hydroxyester; the lactone, the other possible product of the reaction, was not observed in significant quantities., These results were taken as convincing evidence in favor of the theory of stereoelectronic control in hydrolytic processes (3-7).Capon and Grieve (8) have recently reported that part of the above results were erroneou~.~ They have studied 2,2-diethoxytetrahydropyran (2, R = C2HS) and found that under our reported conditions, 20-30% of 8-valerolactone was observed by 'H and I3C nmr spectroscopy. They have also investigated the mild acid hydrolysis of 2,2-dimethoxytetrahydropyran (2, R = CH,) under a variety of solvents and, again, they found 30-40% of 8-valerolactone.In the meantime, McClelland and Alibhai (9) reported (in 1981) the observation that the hydroxy-ester/lactone product ratio of 10 and 9 varies as a function of pH in the course of the acid hydrolysis of the phthalide orthoester 7. Indeed, with this compound, a quantitative analysis of the pH-dependent product ratio reveals two pH-independent regions, corresponding to the acid and base-catalyzed breakdown of the tetrahedral hemiorthoester intermediate 8: at pH 5 3.5, 24% of lactone 9 is produced, but above pH 3.5, only 7% of lactone 9 (and some 93% hydroxy-ester 10) is observed.Due to the fact that (a) part of our results are not concordant with those of Capon and Grieve (8), and (b) product ratio varies ' Analysis of the reaction products was carried out by two different methods: (a) "C nmr spectroscopy of the reaction mixture, which showed less than 1% of lactone, and (b) vpc analysis of the reaction mix...