“…For example, 2 yr of wheat followed by Sc and fallow (W-WSc-F) or wheat followed by 2 yr of Sc and fallow (W-Sc-Sc-F) were common in Kansas aft er the popular W-Sc-F rotation (Assefa et al, 2014). Th e positive impact of a more intense crop rotation on weed seedbank reduction, reduction in N fertilizer requirement, sustainable yield increase, and profi tability has been reported (Coulter et al, 2011;Davis et al, 2012;Stanger et al, 2008;Teasdale et al, 2004). However, a long-term study on the Abbreviations: F, fallow; HI, harvest index; Sc, warm-season crop; UAN, urea ammonium nitrate; WEY, wheat equivalent yield; WSSF, wheat-sorghum-sorghum-fallow; Wssf, wheat in wheat-sorghumsorghum-fallow that comes aft er fallow; WW, continuous annual wheat; wsSf, sorghum aft er sorghum in wheat-sorghum-sorghumfallow; wSsf, sorghum that comes aft er wheat in wheat-sorghumsorghum-fallow; WWSF, wheat-wheat-sorghum-fallow; Wwsf, wheat in wheat-wheat-sorghum-fallow that comes aft er fallow; wWsf, wheat that comes aft er wheat in wheat-wheat-sorghum-fallow; wwSf, sorghum that comes aft er wheat in wheat-wheat-sorghum-fallow.…”