Abstract. Let x = (x, y). A plane flow is a function F (x, t) : R 2 × R → R 2 such that F (F (x, s), t) = F (x, s + t) for (almost) all real numbers x, y, s, t (the function F might not be well-defined for certain x, t). In this paper we investigate rational plane flows which are of the form F (x, t) = φ(xt)/t; here φ is a pair of rational functions in 2 real variables. These may be called projective flows, and for a description of such flows only the knowledge of Cremona group in dimension 1 is needed. Thus, the aim of this work is to completely describe over R all rational solutions of the two dimensional translation equationWe show that, up to conjugation with a 1−homogenic birational plane transformation (1−BIR), all solutions are as follows: a zero flow, two singular flows, an identity flow, and one non-singular flow for each non-negative integer N , called the level of the flow. The case N = 0 stands apart, while the case N = 1 has special features as well. Conjugation of these canonical solutions with 1-BIR produce a variety of flows with different properties and invariants, depending on the level and on the conjugation itself. We explore many more features of these flows; for example, there are 1, 4, and 2 essentially different symmetric flows in cases N = 0, N = 1, and N ≥ 2, respectively. Many more questions related to rational flows will be treated in the second part of this work.