Experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of sex hormones, particularly oestrogens, on the weight of the adrenal glands in rats.Female rats (a) Intact. Oestrogen had no consistent effect. The adrenal glands may become heavier after treatment with oestradiol dipropionate (ODP) for very short periods (3 days), but may become lighter after longer periods of treatment. The glands were lighter after treatment with testosterone propionate (TP) (1.5 mg daily).(b) Castrated. Fifty-three days after spaying the adrenal glands were unchanged. Seventy\x=req-\ five days after operation, their weight had decreased. Oestrogen had no effect when given 1 month after ovariectomy, but caused a loss of weight when treatment was started 2 months after the operation. TP (1\ m=. \ 5 mg. daily) also caused a loss of weight.Male rats (a) Intact. The adrenal glands were unaffected by daily treatment with 1\m=.\5 mg TP, or with 100\g=m\g O D P .(b) Castrated. The adrenal glands had gained weight 53 days after orchidectomy. TP caused a loss of weight in castrated rats. ODP had no effect.That oestrogen influences the size, and therefore presumably the activity of the adrenal gland, has been inferred from the following observations :(a) The absolute weight of the adrenal gland is greater in the female of many species than it is in the male [Hatai