Koch-type wire dipole antennas are considered herein. In the case of a first-order prefractal, such antennas differ from a Koch-type dipole by the position of the central vertex of the dipole arm. Earlier, we investigated the dependence of the base frequency for different antenna scales for an arm in the form of a first-order prefractal. In this paper, dipoles for second-order prefractals are considered. The dependence of the base frequency and the reflection coefficient on the dipole wire length and scale is analyzed. It is shown that it is possible to distinguish a family of antennas operating at a given (identical) base frequency. The same length of a Koch-type curve can be obtained with different coordinates of the central vertex. This allows for obtaining numerous antennas with various scales and geometries of the arm. An algorithm for obtaining small antennas for Wi-Fi applications is proposed. Two antennas were obtained: an antenna with the smallest linear dimensions and a minimum antenna for a given reflection coefficient.