The aim of this study was to document a case of parasite co-infection in a captive Bactrian camel and to supply morphometric data of the found pathogens. It concerned a 20-year-old male animal inhabiting Sofia Zoo, Bulgaria. A decreased appetite and gastrointestinal disorders were observed in it during the summer of 2022. Improvement in the animal’s condition was achieved after the administration of antibiotics, sulfonamides, and other symptomatic medicines. However, two weeks after treatment, clinical symptoms reappeared. Then, a diarrheal fecal sample from the animal was subjected to parasitological examination by direct smear and flotation and sedimentation techniques. Multiple infections by helminths (Trichostrongylus sp., Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Trichuris sp., and Dicrocoelium sp.), ciliates (Buxtonella cameli), and protozoa (Eimeria cameli) were found, with E. cameli being reported for the first time in zoo conditions. Deworming led to the recovery of the general condition and appearance of the animal’s feces, but two weeks later, it died suddenly. We considered that the parasitic infection was not the direct cause of the fatal outcome, and its presence, other health disorders, and the advanced age of the animal were among the contributing factors. This case reveals the need to combine planned preventive deworming with routine parasitological diagnostics to take timely and targeted actions to protect the health of animals inhabiting zoo facilities.