Nowadays, one of the most prominent leadership philosophies is digital leadership. However, there are still few tools available to assess digital leadership. Unfortunately, the discussion about expert consensus items is limited, especially involving fuzzy considerations. Therefore, this study will assess the content validity of an instrument called situational judgement test (SJT) by using Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM). There are 13 panels chosen to serve as the FDM's experts. The item should satisfy three conditions of FDM, namely the threshold value (d), the percentage of expert consensus, and the fuzzy score (Amax). The questionnaire uses a seven-point Likert scale based on appropriateness. There are nine constructs, namely (1) Student Engagement, Learning, and Outcomes; (2) Learning Environment and Spaces; (3) Professional Growth and Learning; (4) Communication; (5) Public relations; (6) Branding; (7) Opportunities; (8) Empowered Professionals; and (9) Learning Catalyst. Each construct has 10 items at the first level. According to the results of the study, only 45 of 90 items are appropriate for inclusion in the SJT to assess teachers' digital leadership roles, i.e., five items for each construct. The findings have important implications to recommend any other empirical ways of assessing SJT items to increase the validity aspect of the items.