For edentulous patients, the integrity of the osteomucosal-bearing surface is a significant factor for the balance of the future removable prosthesis. The supporting tissues are influenced by several factors. Physiological bone resorption, senescence, and changes caused by systemic diseases and polypharmacy lead to modifications in these tissues. Similarly, trauma caused by an ill-fitted prosthesis influences the degree of bone resorption and the development of hyperplastic tissue. The etiology of bone resorption is multifactorial and complex, with continuous individual variations that are often unexplained. Although, no study has been able to establish the importance of the different factors in relation to each other, it is often reported that chronic excessive mechanical pressure in relation to occlusal constraints is responsible for the appearance of local resorption’s areas. The aim of this work is to present, through three clinical cases, the various factors involved in the alteration of the osteomucous-bearing surface and eventually, possible therapeutic attitude to deal with.