Abstract. Living xylem tissues and floral buds of several species of woody plants survive exposure to freezing temperatures by deep supercooling. A barrier to water loss and the growth of ice crystals into cells is considered necessary for deep supercooling to occur. Pectins, as a constituent of the cell wall, have been implicated in the formation of this barrier. The present study examined the distribution of pectin in xylem and floral bud tissues of peach (Prunus persica). Two monoclonal antibodies (JIM5 and JIM7) that recognize homogalacturonic sequences with varying degrees of esterification were utilized in conjunction with immunogold electron microscopy. Results indicate that highly esterified epitopes of pectin, recognized by JIM7, were the predominant types of pectin in peach and were uniformly distributed throughout the pit membrane and primary cell walls of xylem and floral bud tissues. In contrast, un-esterified epitopes of pectin, recognized by JIM5, were confined to the outer surface of the pit membrane in xylem tissues. In floral buds, these epitopes were localized in middle lamellae, along the outer margin of the cell wall lining empty intercellular spaces, and within filled intercellular spaces. JIM5 labeling was more pronounced in December samples than in July/August samples. Additionally, epitopes of an arabinogalactan protein, recognized by JIM14, were confined to the amorphous layer of the pit membrane. The role of pectins in freezing response is discussed in the context of present theory and it is suggested that pectins may influence both water movement and intrusive growth of ice crystals at freezing temperatures.