“…This ongoing endeavor, led by the HUPO‐PSI (Human Proteome Organization−Proteomics Standards Initiative−http://www.psidev.info), has resulted in key data standards for the field, including mzML (for MS data), mzIdentML (for peptide/protein identification data), mzTab (for peptide/protein identification and quantification data), mzQuantML (for peptide/protein quantification data), and TraML (for transition lists in targeted proteomics approaches) 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Importantly, support for these standards is provided through software libraries or tools such as ProteoWizard 23, PRIDE Converter 24, 25, mzidLibrary 26, and PRIDE Inspector 27. Successful adoption of these standards is moreover demonstrated by the existence of import and/or export capabilities in many of the most popular software in the field.…”