In the present work, the excited states of 113 Sb were populated in the 100 Mo( 20 Ne, p6n) reaction at a beam energy of 136 MeV. States only up to 59/2 − were observed in the J = 2 band. Mean lifetimes for the five states (from 4460 to 7998 keV) were measured for the first time using Doppler shift attenuation method. An upper limit of the lifetime (0.14 ps) was estimated for the 9061 keV, 47/2 − state. The B(E2) values, derived from the present lifetime results, correspond to a large quadrupole deformation of β 2 = 0.32. The observed reduction in the experimental B(E2) values for the 918.4 keV (spin 39/2 − → 35/2 − ) and 985 keV (spin 43/2 − → 39/2 − ) transitions may be interpreted as due to the proton alignement in the g 7/2 orbital. The dynamic moment of inertia was observed to be about half of the rigid body value at the highest observed frequency.